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Ten Codes for Police. Also although all codes for the letters of the alphabet are English words they are not in general given English pronunciations.

Nato Phonetic Alphabet Wikipedia

Eg Event number P000123456 would be spoken as E number 123456 Event Type Codes.

Police call letter codes. Though popular codes like 10-4 Affirmative are recognized everywhere police radio codes can vary quite a bit between different areas. 23152 Drunk Driving Code Blue BusTaxi In Trouble. The police letters alphabet is used when spelling out words abbreviations or initials as to ensure that the correct information is passed along.

When on the radio spoken words from an approved list are substituted for letters. 10 codes can vary greatly from department to department. The following codes are used in CaliforniaThey are from the California Penal Code except where noted below.

When communicating letters over the Police Radio or Scanners they need to reduce the possibility of errors in communication. 10-0 - Use caution. These codes may be used by police officers and other emergency response personnel to communicate more effectively during emergencies.

23103 Reckless Driving Code 37T Traffic Want. Police Ten-Codes Pullman Police do NOT necessarily use all of the Ten-Codes. 10-78 Releiving ___ Location 10-89 Clear for lunch dinner 10-79 Security check or spec assign 10-90 Serving paper Typelocationciv 10-80 Permission for car to car 10-91 Rape 10-81 Service vehicle 10-92 Taking written report type 10-82 Domestic trouble 10-93 Shoplifter 10-83 Meet.

For example the word Army would be Alfa Romeo Mike Yankee when spelled in the phonetic alphabet. Most people are familiar with simple 10 codes for police like 10-4. 10-4 - Okay affirmative.

This code is usually pronounced digit-by-digit using a radio alphabet for any letters as 505 five zero five or 207A two zero seven Alpha. The word ten tells police that the next number or set of numbers is a code for something. To join our Newsletter mailing list just add your e-mail address here or to unsubscribe or change your e-mail address just click here.

Metropolitan Police Service A number followed by one or two letters indicating the stationsector borough or unit. 20002 Hit And Run Code 37F Felony Want. In the 1970s the television show Adam-12 was considered so authentic in its.

Depending on where youre from a 10-33 police code could either mean spotting a traffic backup or seeing a downed officer which obviously arent two things you want to confuse. Number or color codes were devised to refer to particular situations encountered by the police firemen and the like but in an abbreviated way. Aerial roof markings are symbols letters or numbers on the roof of selected police vehicles fire engines ambulances coast guard vehicles cash in transit vans buses and boats to enable aircraft andor CCTV to identify them.

And while some departments are beginning to favor plain English over 10 codes its still an important language to learn. The Hundred Code is a three digit police code system. When spoken the letter and the leading zeros are often omitted.

So it is common to use words in place of letters so there is a more distinct difference between each pronunciationThis allows the listener of every department Police Fire Military etc to communicate as accurately as possible. North Carolina State 10 Codes plus the following. NEWSLETTERS - update 7th July 2014 - we are delighted to say that we now have our own in-house mailing system for Project HappyChild News.

Although there are different variations of the police letters alphabet the most commonly known and used is. Heres a list of law enforcement agencies in California that use some or all of the police ten codes above. Police use the Phonetic Alphabet.

Pronunciations are somewhat uncertain because the agencies while ostensibly using the same pronunciations give different transcriptions which are often inconsistent from letter to letter. The markings depending on the vehicle or information required may also be. Every event is assigned an event number sometimes refered as an E number Event numbers consist of a letter prefix P for police and F for Fire and a nine digit number.

Current practice favours use of borough codes rather than station codes with the borough code generally taken from one of the boroughs stations - see below - which can cause confusion. 10-8 In service subject to call 10-9 Repeat message 10-10 Transmission completed stand by 10-11 Talking too rapidly 10-12 Visitors present 10-13 Advise WeatherRoad conditions 10-16 Make pick up at. Since there is no universal set of ten codes these are examples of what they mean in some cases.

A-Alpha B-Bravo C-Charlie D-Delta E-Echo F-Foxtrot G-Golf H-Hotel I-India J-Juliet K-Kilo L. The phonetic alphabet can also be signaled with flags lights and Morse Code. Police 10 codes are a common form of communication for LEOs.

Letter - Type 1 - Type 2 A - Alpha - Adam B - Bravo - Boy. The use of these in a call has obvious benefits such as being direct with the circumstance at hand and giving the information a veil of secrecy no matter how thin. A list of Emergency Response Codes and their meanings.

These markings can be used to identify a specific vehicle vehicle type or agency. Here is a fully comprehensive list of Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials 10 codes.